
Tabellenheader startup
Rankings Date Winner Price
1st 31.05.14 exo4.js | exo AngularJS dpunkt.verlag
2nd o_o--__--__--.js | Stefan Dirnstorfer JavaScript effektiv
3rd webholics_007.js | Webholics The Principles of Object-Orientated JavaScript
Tabellenheader startup
Rankings Date Winner Price
1st 07.06.14 crossEater5.js | Piet Backbone.js Applications O'Reilly
2nd exo6.js | exo Functional JavaScript
3rd feri-wwc-step12.js | feri JavaScript Testing with Jasmine
Tabellenheader startup
Rankings Date Winner Price
1st 14.06.14 exo9.js | exo Responsive Webdesign Galileo Computing
2nd feri-wwc-step14.js | feri Node.js
3rd Ghoul41.js | GhoulLord Apps mit HTML5 und CSS3
Tabellenheader startup
Rankings Date Winner Price
1st 21.06.14 feri-dyn-04.js | feri A team neusta Laptop team neusta
2nd exo9.js | exo iX Annual Subscription iX
3rd Ghoul99.js | GhoulLord iX Annual Subscription